15 Offline Marketing Ideas that Attract Customers

Want to find more customers?
If you operate your own pool service business, finding more customers is key to growing your business. Today, there are plenty of online marketing tactics that will help you attract attention, but what about offline marketing?
In this post, we’re exploring 15 offline marketing ideas to help you get started.
Offline Marketing Ideas
Today, it’s easy to think of marketing as a purely online endeavor. You’ll put a lot of time marketing your pool business online, such as on your website and social media accounts. However, you may not realize that offline marketing is still vital to your success. Here are 15 ways you can market your business offline, and keep the clients coming in.
Here are 15 offline marketing ideas that atract customers.
1. Change Up Your Look
You’ll see businesses implementing rebrands all the time because it helps bring your business back to the attention of potential customers. If you’re just starting out, you may not have put a lot of work into your logo or branding. If you want to grab people’s attention, then hire a service that can create all-new branding for you. Their work will go a long way towards boosting your business’s profile.
2. Print Flyers
Flyers sound so old school, but they’re more effective than you realize. You can have some flyers printed up ready to hand out or send as part of a mailshot. As you’re a pool service, you can just target the homes in the areas you can service, which makes it cost-effective too. Try adding discount coupons to them to make them attractive for recipients.
3. Seasonal Cards
During the holidays, you can send out cards to your clients and remind them of the services you offer. It’s such a small thing to do, but it goes a long towards building brand awareness. Try sending a card, a calendar, or other small gifts to mark the date.
4. Business Cards
You’d think these days business cards aren’t needed, but it’s amazing how useful they are. They’re a good way of giving clients your details quickly, and they can make a real impression. Make the card stand out, to make an impression. Colored card, portrait style cards, and more will make your card recipients remember you.
5. Write A Book
Today, it’s easier than ever to find the resources you need to self-publish a book. Whether you’re writing a simple guide for potential customers or existing customers, a short book may be a powerful physical marketing tool for your business.
Writing a book either takes time or money, so you’ll have to decide whether or not you’re up to the task of sitting down and writing a book yourself. If not, you can hire a ghost writer to draft the words for you. Once you have the material, you can publish one copy at a time, thereby saving you money upfront.
6. Offer Discounts
Nothing gets customers in like discounts, so create some offers that they won’t be able to refuse. For example, you can offer specific discounts for an area, or for those living in a specific home owner’s association. They’re also a perfect reward with loyalty programs. For example, after five appointments, you can give a client a free pool servicing session.
7. Cross Promotion
There are probably other businesses out there who you can partner up with, to make clients aware of your business. Why not try partnering up with the local hardware or pool supplies store? They can offer your services when customers buy pool supplies, and you can recommend their products to your clients when you work on their pools.
8. Create Press Releases
You’d think press releases are just for the announcement of a new high-end phone or release of a movie, but you can use them too. You don’t even need a PR team to put them together. Talk to your local press when you create new products and services, and that will create a lot of buzz.
9. Get Involved With The Community
As you’ll be working with the same community when servicing pools, it makes sense to get involved with it. You can look into supporting certain charities in the area by hosting fundraisers, or sponsor organizations such as a local school. This creates a lot of good press for you and raises awareness of your business.
10. Hold Your Own Event
If there are no community events you can take part in, why not create your own? As a pool service, you could hold a pool party at a local public pool, where you could hand out promotional freebies and business cards with your details on.
11. Go To Trade Shows
It’s always a good idea to go to trade shows and see what they have to offer you as a business. You can mingle with other businesses there and pick up some great ideas. You can exhibit there too, and having a unique booth will help you stand out from the crowd.
12. Make Sure You’re Networking
The best way to find business and grow is to network. While you’d think it’s mostly done online, the best networking is done in person still. Attend events and get talking to others. You even create your own network, if there isn’t one nearby. Practice what you’ll say, and read up on the best ways to network before you attend an event.
13. Hold Workshops
As a pool service owner, you have a lot of valuable knowledge you can pass onto others. You can hold workshops, where you can build up connections with potential clients. Alternatively, you can secure a column in your local newspaper, or place useful tips on your flyers.
14. Make Your Brand Visible
It’s no good offering the best possible service if you aren’t making yourself visible. Once you’ve rebranded your business, place that branding everywhere. It should go on your company vehicles, all your outgoing mail, and especially on branded shirts. When you’re out and out in the community, you need to be showcasing your brand.
15. Create That Elevator Pitch
Finally, if you don’t have an elevator pitch yet, create one. You need to be able to outline your business and vision quickly and succinctly, so create a pitch and practice it. You never know when you’ll meet the right person to make your business boom.
With these 15 offline marketing tips, you can spread the word of your business further than you’d think. Put them to use, and make sure everyone knows about what you can do. It’s amazing what a little legwork can do.