How to Ask Customers to Review Your Pool Service Online

The web has changed the way we shop and make purchase decisions. Customer reviews offer insight regarding the pros and cons of working with a business, which can either be encouraging or discouraging.
People are more likely to contact a business with an overall positive reputation online, which is why collecting reviews has become an important aspect of marketing for pool service companies. For this reason, it’s important to ask your customers to review your company when you have the opportunity.
In this article, we’re exploring how to ask customers to review your pool service online.
How to Ask Customers to Review Your Pool Service Online
You’ve done all the hard work to set up your pool servicing business. You’ve gathered all the correct supplies, found some clients, and have started working on their pools. In order to grow your pool service business, you’ll need to find more clients in your area. The best way to do that, of course, is to have your current clients recommend you to others.
In the digital age, the best way for them to do this is to leave a review of your services. As a brand new business, it’s vital that you get those reviews, but how do you ask for them?
Here’s how to ask customers to review your pool service online.
The Importance of Online Reviews
Think back to all the purchases you’ve made, both online and in-store. When you’re considering using a service or buying a product, you’re going to check reviews. You want to know what experiences other people have had with them, and that shows you whether you should make the purchase yourself.
In this day and age, the review online holds about as much weight as a personal recommendation. As a pool service, you’ll be hoping for both. If you give a client a good service, they will tell their friends, but you want them to review you online too. That way, their recommendation goes further, and even more, people will hear about you.
It’s also important as the reviews left to affect your Google ranking. In most cases, a potential client will turn to Google first to find the service they need. If you have more positive Google reviews, you’ll see that you rank higher. If you pair this with things like Google My Business, you’ll be able to reach out to more customers than you thought possible.
What Not to Do
Ok, so you need to start asking for reviews. Many business owners will be tempted to ask customers to review them in exchange for a reward of some kind. For example, you may want to offer money off the next service, or some extra goodies.
Whatever you do, do not do this. It seems sensible on paper, as why would someone review you if they aren’t getting something in return? The fact is, Google will actually rank you lower if you’re doing this. A good review will be left simply because a customer has something to say about your business. If you’re giving them something in return, then that review is not going to be unbiased. In these cases, that review just won’t be as valuable.
Don’t worry though, as getting a review is much easier than you’d think. Customers are more than willing to leave reviews of your business, now more than ever. Around 76% of customers will leave a review if they’re asked to do so, so don’t be afraid to just ask.
How to Ask For Reviews
There are several different ways you can ask customers to leave a review of your services. It’s best to use a mixture, depending on how you interact with your clients. Here’s how to ask and get what you need.
Asking in person: This is what you’re most likely to do, as you’ll see those clients at their homes more likely than not. Usually, you can simply bring up reviews in conversation with them. If they mention they’re happy with what you’ve done, then you can ask them to review you online and let others know.
You can bring the subject up yourself, too. All you have to do is ask how they’re finding your services. If they’re happy, you can again as them to let others know by writing a review. If there’s something they’re unhappy with, you can use this opportunity to put it right.
Asking via email: It’s likely that you send a lot of emails back and forth with your client base. When you’re talking with them this way, you can ask them to leave a review of your services. It’s easier in a lot of ways, as they will already be online. That makes them more likely to simply head to Google and leave that review.
There are two ways of doing this. Firstly, you can send an email to your entire client base. This is known as an email blast, and in it, you can thank them for their custom, and ask them to review the services they’ve had from you. You can then add in a link so they can click it and go right to the review page.
You can also send a personalized email, perfect if there are just a few customers you need to talk to. That’s something you’ll be more likely to do when you’re first starting out. This often works well as clients are more likely to respond to an email specifically addressed to them.
Ask for reviews from vendors: As a pool service, you may start getting work with other businesses. Hotels, condo complexes, and more all need their pools taken care of, so that’s another market you can tap into. Sometimes you’ll find they’ll leave a review without asking. After all, they know the value of a good review too.
If not, you can always ask when you’re in meetings with them. All you have to say is that you’ve enjoyed working with them, and if they feel the same way it would be very helpful if they could leave a review.
Asking via your website: Finally, you can ask for reviews on your website. If a client is on the site, you can have a pop up designed asking them to review the service they’ve had. Again, add in a link that takes them to the right page, and you’ll make it very easy for them.
These are just a few ways you can ask for reviews from your clients. You’ll see that most are very willing to do so, and all you need to do is make the request. Keep asking, as those reviews make all the difference to your visibility online.