Doing What’s Right for Our Members Since 1969

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Commercial Liability Insurance

Established on a cold rainy night in late 1988, UPA is a grass roots organization founded on the principle that every member is an individual businessman who knows best how to run his business. We have banded together to expand our knowledge and get good quality liability insurance from American Southern. Our little grass roots organization has grown. From our humble beginnings we have grown to over 1,800 members.

“Freedom at the Chapter Level…Simplicity at the Board Level” is our motto. Chapters are free to run their meetings in a manner that best suits their members. Chapters are required by the organization to meet a minimum of 9 times a year. The UPA Joint Board meets quarterly and covers its own expenses.

Doing what’s right for the members since 1969

UPA is run entirely by volunteer members. All decisions are made with one overriding principle in mind: do what’s right for the members. The Joint Board of Directors will never take any money from the members, nor do they require members to obtain any licenses or certifications. Members are shown respect as independent businessmen and we believe they know what’s best for their business.

6 Reasons to Join UPA

The best commercial liability insurance program in the service industry today. The UPA insurance program is underwritten by American Southern. UPA has enjoyed the most comprehensive and competitive insurance coverage since it’s inception.  We continue to lead the industry in this respect.

Chapter autonomy. Chapters govern themselves. UPA asks only 3 things. Have meetings, pay your insurance premiums and use your head; don’t cause a bunch of avoidable and unnecessary claims.  For example, DON’T ADD WATER to pools.  Beyond that, chapters can operate in any manner that suits them.

We’ve negotiated a dividend from American Southern based on overall liability claims paid. We keep our claims down so all members get a premium cash dividend. (Vesting required)

Contractor’s license school discount program. UPA has negotiated deep discounts on a home study contractor’s license program to prepare members to take the contractor’s license test with the state of California. For as little as $125 plus state fees, any member can get his C61-D35 license as required by California law.

Since we really want to appeal to younger service techs, we are amassing how-to videos. We are making these simple videos available to help members solve problems in the field. In addition, we have a growing group of mentors that are happy to take calls from members that need a little help.

It’s easy to start a chapter. Put together your prospective members, call UPA President Steve Homer, and express your desire to open up a new chapter. Then come to the Joint Board Meeting and request admission. If your chapter is more than a couple hundred miles from the Joint Board Meeting, Dale will help make the appropriate arrangements.

Steve Homer (714) 287-5317.

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